Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Room!

Well, actually, it's the same room, but I redecorated it!

And actually, "redecorating" would be a generous term. (I'm too stingy/frugal for that) but I did go to IKEA and buy a few things that were all kind of in the same color scheme :) Here are the pics!

My desk, and behind that my new dresser/storage unit and curtains. Here's a full view of that end of the room:

Including my black wardrobe and a corner of my greenish-brown kind of leafy chair, both of which were included in the furniture in my room, hence why I chose "black-tannishbrown-green-kind of jungly" as my theme. :)

Some of my photos on the top of my desk, illuminated by by new lamp. (Notice the accent candles on the front--they're different shades of brown, if you can't tell. And they're Apple Cinnamon scented, which you definitely can't tell, which makes my room smell like Fall!) Also note the super cute globe that matches and which Dan bought me because I meant to buy one when I saw it on sale but then I forgot and it wasn't on sale anymore so I didn't want to buy it so he bought it for me as a present because he's awesome. Plus cute old pictures of Dan and some of my high school friends :)

Those previous pictures were of the side of the room facing my window. If you were to look at those pictures and then turn to your right you would see my bed, which has this new super-cute bedspread which matches with my stuffed leopard (coincidence but awesome), and above it are a few accent pictures. Yes, for maximum aesthetic pleasure you would think that I should place the photos a bit lower--however, there is an icky patch on the wall which I have effectively covered over with this higher placement, so I think altogether it was a good choice.
Close up of the pictures. They're just tacked on because a) I'm not supposed to put holes in the walls (decorating the walls is not a very common thing here--most people's walls are relatively bare) and b) I'm too cheap to buy frames and c) I'm probably not going to be living here for that long, so why buy more bulky, hard to transport stuff that I don't need?

If you were to turn LEFT of the original few pictures (i.e. directly across from the be pics I just showed you) you would see this--my cool, free chair and behind it my awesome World's Largest Crossword Puzzle, which is still haven't really started but I will someday! (Another present from Dan.)

The last wall! Showcasing my slightly off-color door that is not actually made of wood, so I keep accidentally closing it too hard and getting complaints from the neighbors. Eek! Note the cute little white IKEA lamp.
Also, if you were wondering, "Where are the disorganized stacks of books that Christina somehow collects everywhere she goes despite knowing that they're murderous to move?", there's your answer on my bedside table.
Oh! I also have a rectangular tan area rug that runs parallel to my bed since my floor is ugly cold white tile (not that I really have to worry about it being col in the mornings because it's never cold here). The picture is boring and ugly though.
Lastly, yes I know that the empty space above my bed is a final gaping whole in my design that needs to be filled. I was thinking of an accent mirror, but with the "no holes in the walls" thing, it would be too hard to secure. The last thing I want is a mirror falling off of the wall onto my head. So, I'm thinking wall clock. Keeping my eyes open for the final piece of the puzzle...