Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So, I meant to write a wrap-up blog as I was leaving Singapore in September, but I never did. Looking back on this blog I wanted to do a little recap, for anyone who is reading but also mostly for me, looking back.

India was my last vacation. The next two months in Singapore were spent in a state of emotional craziness. I always get that way when I rpepare for a big transition; it's draining to be focusing on trying to wrap everything up well in one location and scenario while also focusing on trying to start everything well in another location, that you aren't even in! I finally decided to just focus on Singapore and not worry about job searching back in Chicago until I got there.

That worked well! My alst month or so in Singapore was bittersweet, but ultimately really good. I saw all of my friends many times, ate all my favorite foods, explored some new places (Botanical Gardens! Prawn fishing!) and ultimately had a good run of it. My friends Bahar and Nate hosted a going away party for me that was really fun!

I caught a prawn! This is a very local thing to do and it was tons of fun. Also, a lot of Tiger beer was drunk throughout this evening...

Just a few of the lovely people at my going away party! Six different nationalities were represented :)

I then got back to Chicago and proceeded to occasionally flip out about not finding a job. Until I found one. And it's a great one! A consultant position at Accenture, that I just started a week ago. Everything so far is great and turned out quite how I wanted to--several months of relaxing and catching up with people and workgina part-time waitressing gig, followed by a position in the private sector. i don't know how long I'll stay, but I like it so far and that's all one can really ask!

I miss the food in Singapore, and I miss the weather sometimes when I'm freezing my patootie off on the commute from the train to my office downtown. I miss the ocean being nearby and the ability to travel to new countries cheaply and relatively effortlessly. But mostly I miss all of my lovely friends that I made over two long years in Singapore. I'm doing my best to keep in touch with everyone through calls, emails, Skype, Facebook, etc. It's hard to set up new systems to keep in touch with people, but it's worth it. You all in Singapore made my time there so wonderful. Thanks for everything. I hope to be back to visit soon!