Friday, August 21, 2009

Me gusto El Toro!

Two weeks ago Dan and I went out on a nice date. (I know, I know, I'm so behind on my blog. I SWEAR I'll get caught up soon.) His parents had gone to this dinner/benefit thing and somehow ended up with a $100 gift certificate to this Latin American restaurant downtown called El Toro. So they gave it to Dan! YAY! We had a great evening, and I happened to be feeling picture-y, so here are some shots from the evening!

(Oh, I also belatedly realized that Blogspot and Picasa share the same memory, so due to the massive amount of pictures I have up there, I'm running out of free memory space. Lame Google and their space-sharing and not telling you about it until you start your blog even though if you'dve know you would have used a different blogging service. Humph. Anyway, the result is: I'm experimenting with the smaller pictures. Let me know what you think. Also, I just hate Blogspot in general because I can't figure out to format anything the way I want it, hence the weird picture of me at the top and the captions that overflow their pictures.)

Me! Earlier that day I read an article online about the most flattering way to stand when taking full-body shots. So I experimented (with my self-timer.) After testing, I must agree; it is the most flattering angle.

Us! Thank goodness Dan is a better self-picture taker than me; he got us right in the center of the frame on the very first try.

Us again, taken by Dan's dad. Story about those pants: Dan's cousin left them after his visit, and Dan tried them on and asked if they fit (he thought they were too small). But in reality they fit perfectly, he's just used to all of this pants being huge because he lost a lot of weight.

This was our nacho appetizer. We didn't realize when we ordered it exactly home much cheese and stuff would be on it! And of course, like most appetizers, we said we shouldn't have ordered it when we couldn't finish our entrees.

But it tasted frickin' amazing.

We both got the steak. I was a good choice, too; it was aMAZing! Look at the steam rising. Mmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Here is visual proof of Dan's approval of the food. In case you doubted me. :)

Yes, we did manage to finish (i.e. demolish) the food, the the chagrin of my stomach. Dan's stomach was just fine. But it was worth it. Witness the photos of our sated, semi-stupor post-awesomeness.

Short story long, it was the best Mexican/Latin food I have ever had in my life. (It was basically Mexican food with steak, but hey, we're in Asia. They don't have to stick to categories very closely.) Notice I didn't say "most authentic". Some of the food had a slightly Asian-y tinge, but I just thought that made it better. So did Dan, who has never been a fan of Mexican food. Plus the place was very cute, the service was good, my sangria was awesome, and it was MOSTLY FREE! It doesn't get much better than this, people.

1 comment:

  1. Dan and Mexican grub? Must've been amazing. That steamy steak with sweating sangria looks divine. leave it up to the S'ps to outdo the Mexicanos at their own game. full body pose...thx for the tip!
    keep the posts coming, la!
