Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Engrish: Singapore Edition Part Deux

You know what time it is--time for an update on the most interesting uses of English that I've seen in the last few months, complete with pictures for proof. And let me reiterate that I do not search these out, I simply document them as they come across my path.

Thank you so much, Jerry's American Restaurant (which actually has really good ribs), for taking what could have been a simple, un-amusing typo and using some creative formatting to bump it up to Most Hilarious Beer Listing Ever.

 This one isn't too bad, but I'm just confused as to how it happened. (I'm referring to the bottom-most phrase, in case you're confused.) How do you have "Clean" and "soft" without the -s, and "shines" and "protects" with the -s? I mean, they're even alternating!  Did they do that on purpose? Maybe they though that clean and soft were adjectives, so they didn't need to have an -s? I'm so confused. Who was the label designer on this?

At first this just seems cheesy, but like something that probably wouldn't be out of place at some of those stores for pre-teens in the US. However, the last line just puts it WAY over the top--refer to the close-up below.

What!?! Where did that come from?  It's like some enterprising but poorly-trained production editor tacked it on like, "What the heck? I mean, everybody likes to be told that they're hot, right? Can't hurt."

This one isn't actually wrong at all. (So you can stop searching if you were trying to find the mistake.) I just thought it was kind and odd thing to print on a shirt...but also very cute! The only reason I actually took this picture was because it was right next to this next shirt, which caused me to get out my camera.

SCORE! There is just nothing not awkward about this t-shirt. This might be my best recent find...although there's so much competition...such as this beauty:

Oh my goodness. Mike Mouse. Classic.

This picture is practically a gift from God. This shirt belongs to Merry and I'd seen her wear it before, but I didn't want to ask her if I could take a picture of it because then I would have to tell her why I wanted to take a picture and she might have been embarrassed. However, luckily enough it got mixed up in my laundry this week, so I sneaked a pic before I returned it to her. Yes!

Hope that you've enjoyed my recent finds. Let me know what your favorite is! And if you have any amusing caption ideas or imagined backstories, please do share in a Comment :)


  1. Hoe Garden. Just...WOW. Hilarity. Like, how do you come up with that?

    But yeah, we Ang Mos do like to "make special American party time" with the best of them, no?

    Keep searching. These are glorious!

  2. This is great! I so want a 'lets make special american party time' shirt!
