Thursday, January 7, 2010

Semi-Interesting Things I Did Today

1. Confirmed a meeting with a professor at another university on Friday morning to see about a job.
2. Practiced guitar--interesting note, Taylor Swift songs are very easy to play. I can play one already and I just started playing on Saturday :)
3. Finished a series called "Justice: What's the Right Thing To Do", which is a popular course at Harvard that they videotaped and put on Youtube. It's pretty awesome.

That's about it. I mean, I did other things, research and re-organizing documents and doing some linguistic theory construction. But nothing much.

Just trying out smaller blogs that I can do more often, to try to become a good blogger. And oftentimes having to get the pictures uploaded and organized delays me, so maybe I'll try to do these short ones often and then a long, actually interesting one with pictures every now and again! Hm...

1 comment:

  1. Something to add to your list of things to do:
    Watch Hans Rosling "Ted Talks" talks. There are two of them.

